
December 2023 – Christmas Special 

An evening filled with joy and laughter, a chance for our students and teachers to come together
and enjoy the magic of the holiday season.
We brought the charm of British Christmas right to you with specialities such as mince pies,
Christmas pudding, sausage rolls, yule log and a delicious warm soup as well as mulled wine and
a fruit punch.

November 2023 – Thanksgiving Dinner at restaurant Landhaus, Jenaz

People from different classes enjoyed a delightful American Thanksgiving Dinner together.
Madeleine Rominger prepared a buffet full of mouthwatering specialties an gave us an insight into
the heart of this American tradition. Thanks Madeleine – we will be back 🙂 !

October 2023 – Guest Talk with Anna Dozio

Anna Dozio, a dear friend of mine, shared her experiences as an interpreter and English teacher in Ticino with us. An inspiring and sparkling woman who speaks four languages flawlessly and teaches with great passion. She showed us that for her, language learning is all about „sharing & daring“.

Dear Anna, thank you for a fantastic evening filled with valuable ideas and opportunities to learn languages with joy and enthusiasm!

April 2023 – Language trip to Chester, UK

Located in the North West of England (near Liverpool, Manchester and Wales), Chester is a unique city filled with history, culture and some of the oldest and most beautiful architecture in the country.

With language courses in the morning and a packed, inclusive social programme we enjoyed our time in this beautiful area to the full.

Join us next year on our next language trip to the UK 🙂 !

January 2023 – Guest Talk with Sheila Massey

Another inspiring evening with Sheila! It was fascinating to hear about her passionate commitment for feral cats in New York and her project Hard Hat Cats. Check out her website here:

Thank you for sharing your ideas and experiences with us once again, Sheila!

December 2022 – Christmas Special in Fläsch

We wrapped up our English lessons for 2022 with a marvellous evening and some tasty British goodies made by Sandra
(and me).

Thanks for coming and merry Christmas to everyone 😊!

November 2022 – Cream Tea at the Bistro in Fläsch

Our second time at the Bistro in Fläsch for a traditional British Cream Tea. A great opportunity to mix with people from different classes, enjoy some marvellous scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam and use your English!

September 2022 – Language trip to Eastbourne, England

An unforgettable experience!

School in the mornings, excursions in the afternoons – we had a packed programme and plenty of opportunities to practise our English!
We enjoyed the beautiful promenade, the dramatic coastline and visited some picturesque seaside towns. Some of the group stayed with host-families, others at a local B&B.

Of course we had a traditional cream tea at a marvellous teahouse, fish & chips and a beer at one of the local pubs and a Pimm’s on the famous pier.

I’m already planning the next language trip for 2023 😊 and I hope YOU will be joining us, too!

July 2022 – Homestay with Susan in Edinburgh

Ein intensives Lernerlebnis!

Es gibt neben den herkömmlichen Sprachaufenthalten auch die Möglichkeit, die Sprache im Haus des Lehrers zu erlernen/vertiefen.

  • Willst du intensiv an deinen Sprachkenntnissen feilen?
  • Willst du 1:1 Lektionen, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind?
  • Willst du intensiv in das Leben/die Kultur eines anderen Landes eintauchen?

Ich habe das Angebot im Sommer 2022 in Edinburgh bei Susan getestet und bin begeistert! Das erwartet dich:

  • Jeden Wochentag 3 Stunden Englischunterricht

(du entscheidest, woran du arbeiten willst)

  • Alle Mahlzeiten mit der Lehrperson (also viel Zeit für «Smalltalk»)
  • 2 Ausflüge pro Woche in Begleitung der Lehrperson

Interessiert? Melde dich bei mir unter 079 388 45 65, ich gebe dir gerne weitere Infos.

June 2022 – Guest Talk with Sheila Massey

At the Guest Talk with Sheila Massey we had the opportunity to learn more about life in America and the different music styles that come from Tennessee. Thank you Sheila for this splendid evening!

May 2022 – Devon Cream Tea at the Bistro in Fläsch

We had a marvellous cream tea at the Bistro in Fläsch with some lively English conversations – thanks everyone for coming! And thanks to the Bistro-Team for the delicious scones and the excellent service. We will be back!


March 2022 – „It’s Gin o’clock“ – Gin tasting with fish & chips

We had a splendid night out at the Lounge in Maienfeld with Gin tasting, fish & chips. Cheers!


December 2021 – Christmas Special: „The most wonderful time of the year“

We welcomed students from all classes to a magical evening in Fläsch on 16 December. A splendid evening to kick off this year’s holiday season!

December 2021 – Amelia Earhart

Within a period of two months we learned more about the fascinating life of Amelia Earhart, an American aviation pioneer. As the highlight at the end of the project we watched the impressive Hollywood film „Amelia“. 

Juni 2021 – Guided art tours in Bad Ragaz

Gemeinsam entdeckten wir faszinierende Skulpturen, erfuhren überraschende Hintergrundinformationen zur Ausstellung und zu den Künstlern der diesjährigen „Bad RagARTz“.

Mai 2021 – Guest Talk with Marilyn

Am „Guest Talk“ via Zoom gab uns Marilyn einen Einblick über verschiedene Stationen ihres Lebens und erzählte uns mehr über Besonderheiten der USA. Am Ende bildete ein kleines Konzert von Marilyn an ihrer Gitarre das Highlight.

Dezember 2020 – Christmas Special

Wir geniessen gemeinsam eine virtuelle Stadtführung durchs weihnachtliche London und lernen mehr über den Big Ben,
das London Eye, den Hyde Park usw.

Dezember 2019 – Christmas Special

Ein Abend mit allen Klassen und traditionellen britischen Weihnachtsspezialitäten, Liedern und Spielen.

Dezember 2019 – Christmas Pudding

Was genau ist ein Christmas Pudding? Und wie macht man das traditionelle britische Weihnachtsdessert? Wir lernen genau das an diesem Abend und erfahren auch mehr über die Geschichte des Christmas Puddings.

August 2019 – Englische Stadtführung in Chur

Spannende Fakten und erstaunliche Anekdoten über das historische Städtchen Chur – und natürlich alles auf Englisch 😊!

Juni 2019 – Städtetrip nach London

Während 4 spannenden Tagen erkunden wir das faszinierende London. Jetzt heisst es: «Let’s speak English!» und wir machen das im Hotel, Pub, beim Afternoon Tea, im Souvenirladen usw.

Dezember 2018 – English cooking evening

Wir kochen gemeinsam ein traditionelles , britisches Christmas Dinner. Natürlich darf dabei ein „stuffed turkey“ nicht fehlen!